Decadent Duck Events History and Background
Decadent Duck Events
“Decadent Ducks” is actually a new name for a long-standing but previously nameless group. The owner and operator, Troy, has been creating event weekends for Southern Decadence for nearly 20 years. It really took off when Troy contacted the Group Sales Department of the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel to obtain a discounted rate for a small group of Decadence visitors. That first year we contracted for 10 rooms and now it’s grown to taking over a majority of the hotel with nearly 400 guests each year. The group rates continue to be significantly lower than regular room rates, and the Omni has proven to be a welcoming and encouraging host for us.
The purpose of the Decadent Ducks is to create a social network for people who attend Southern Decadence in New Orleans. Our group receives discounted hotel rooms, and every year we have a Welcome Party so that guests can meet each other and socialize. Over the years, this has become a very popular event, and now even attracts revelers outside our core group. This has always been a great way to meet people one-on-one, so that when you see them on the street with 100,000 other people, you feel like you can walk up to someone and talk to them.
It is important to note that our group has never charged any type of membership fee and up until 2008 did not receive any compensation from the hotel for what we do. In 2008 we formed a travel agency, and we are now paid standard travel agent commissions on the rooms that we book.
We have private donors and sponsors who donate supplies, web-hosting, advertising and the like to increase our exposure. We also have event sponsors who provide us with advertising and products for our raffles and fundraising efforts. Our sponsors and donors are a very important aspect of what we do. Without our donors and sponsors, we would not be able to produce the event that our Guests have come to expect and enjoy.
The most important aspect of what we are building here is a social group that welcomes everyone. We are not an exclusive group, nor do we cater to any particular sub-section of the gay community. We welcome all of our gay brothers (and sisters!), of all sizes, shapes, backgrounds and interests. We are simply a group of people who like to have a good time. Our membership is incredibly diverse. New Orleans is well known for its tolerance, acceptance and hospitality, and likewise, we are proud of the open and friendly community we have created through this group. The positive feedback we receive on the diverse and welcoming atmosphere of our membership is greatly appreciated.
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